JingJing's Junket

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Asia Night

Friday night, Scott and I joined some friends over @ Jerry's house for "Asia Night" where each person brought their favorite Asian dish for potluck and then we watched "Kung Fu Hustle". We had several Korean specialties including Bulgogi, alongside salmon sushi, pot stickers, fried dumplings and chicken curry. My contribution to the feast was homemade fortune cookies. I got the biggest kick out of coming up with the fortunes themselves. We have amazing friends. I am so glad to be a part of this.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

As Time Goes By....

Howard Ray Gregory
March 17, 1946-June 7, 2005

It has been 3 years. And rarely a day goes by that I don't think about you in some way or another. Our lives continue on...Jason got married. Jessica graduated college. You would have been so pleased! Even though we didn't talk very often, I always felt valued and cherished by you. It's funny how little regrets pop up here and there. If only I had called more often. If only I had gone to visit just one more time. I know those things are so far in the past and I can't change them. So many of those decisions were based on childish responses--deep seated fears and hurts that hadn't been allow to breathe or heal. I am so grateful for the time I had with you at the end. I think I finally started to see you not just as my father, but as my Dad. I became proud of you in a way I hadn't anticipated.

I can accept you are gone. The pain is there, but the sting has diminished. It doesn't smother me or paralyze me in a way it had. I was bitter for a while. And even now, I find myself angry. Angry because I feel robbed or denied having you in my life...presenting you with a grandchild...spending those hours talking about insignificant things--drinking bottomless cups of coffee into the evening. Laughing at silly jokes or stories you tell. I think I got my storytelling gene from you. It is one of my favorite things about me. It is a beautiful gift.
Thank you for that. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and that you haven't been forgotten.