JingJing's Junket

Does the name make you curious?

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Its been a long time. . .

just a quick howdy to let you know I havent really dropped off the planet. Been really busy, but not a lot to show for it. My job has kept me entertained and out of my mind, burdened and free. Its very nice to have a steady income. Spectacular benefits. Blah blah blah.

Ill give an update about my Christmas vacation next post.

Maybe Jeff will re-link me to his blog due to my new activity online. :)


  • At 4:28 PM, Blogger Jeff said…

    I'll be watching ...

    (I do have you bookmarked, anxiously awaiting a new post, but also aware that you have worked a lot lately and didn't have time to post.)

  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger stacy said…

    Happy New Year!!!!

  • At 10:07 PM, Blogger Possum said…


    just stumbled across this blog and thought you looked vaugely familiar...

    where the heck ya been?

    We need an update of Jenn Drama. However we are all happy you are working and enjoy your job!


  • At 1:13 PM, Blogger Jeff said…


    Feb. 22, 2006.

    I even added you to my blogroll again in the hopes of inspiring some posting.

    So far, not so good.

  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger stacy said…

    March 3rd! Come back Jenn!

  • At 2:55 PM, Blogger Jeff said…

    Nothing? A full vacation with friends and family, and you go right back to Waco and work? Pshaw.

    You're even on my links! Gimme something to link to! I dare you!

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger Rann said…

    July 14th.. still waiting. Where o where is Jennifer??? We miss you.


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